Clinical Trial
Hospital-acquired infections (HAI) have been linked with contamination within the hospital environment, but the role of cleaning in this trial was defined as aerobic colony counts (ACC) on hand-touch sites. Previous studies in the same environment have shown that visual assessment of cleanliness is not a good indicator and ATP bioluminescent technology is limited as a measure of a microbiologically clean environment.
The trial specifically monitored Staphylococcus aureus (MRSA) in addition to ACC. Staphylococci, including MRSA, can survive for months in the hospital environment. They were found on floors, furniture, bedside lockers and over bed tables. These sites were usually situated beside the patient. It is possible that staphylococci are transmitted between patients via the hands of health workers after touching a contaminated surface.
Sites nearest the patient pose a greater risk to the sites far distant in a clinical area, Therefore effective removal of these pathogens from the surfaces adjacent to the patient would be expected to reduce the transmission of HAI.
The purpose of this trial was to establish the efficacy of the present cleaning regimes using the chlorine-releasing agent compared with Germguard.
Furthermore, the central question of can the currently used cleaning agent be replaced with agents of equivalent or superior effectiveness.
Potentially, these agents cause less damage to hospital equipment than chlorine based agents, in addition to reducing staff hypersensitivity reactions
The trial was conducted within 2 NHS Hospitals and supported by Health Facilities Scotland, a division of the Scottish NHS.
Results/Summary of findings
Germguard was compared to Actichlor +, a chlorine releasing agent and the currently (and widely) used agent within NHS Hospitals.
" Germguard and the chlorine releasing agent are equally efficacious at removing environmental contamination from the surface sample sites.
Both agents have cleaning and antimicrobial capabilities in vitro, during this study, no difference in cleaning efficiency was seen between the agents on the basis of ACC, mean MRSA colony counts or percent detection of MRSA on environmental sample sites.
Germguard is an important find, because chlorine releasing agents have been associated with hypersensitivity reactions in staff and free chlorine, being a strong oxidising agent, is also a contributor to damage of the environment, including medical devices.
This study therefore provides evidence that Germguard can effectively replace chlorine releasing agents without a loss of cleaning efficiency."
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